Monday, July 8, 2013

An Opening,,,

After a packed 6 weeks of projects, lessons, travel, judging, trialing and clinics our schedule is fairly open. Fitting this shot of Gail in the opening above was taken just this morning.

We spent two weeks of June at home & good news for Spangle; more than just the wit was cutting.

Spangle's summer haircut
We departed June 18 for Parker, Colorado. We had a great time working and visiting with Susan & Ladd Squires, always considerate and generous hosts.
The highlight was our Vancouver visitor. We worked on Rex having less wrecks! We also tackled video editing, impersonated 80’s girl band, ate sushi, drank wine and laughed endlessly.
Kristi's Rex
June 26th we headed to one of our favorite trials, Free to Be Classic in Mountainair, NM
Lurena's Bliss
This is a trial to put on your bucket list. Although we did not have great results we had an excellent time. The courses and the sheep were tremendous. Thank you again to Geri Abrams and her dedicated and talented set- out crew and all the contributors.

I judged the nursery so we ran our nursery dogs in Open ranch and each won a class. Overall Nell did capably, Li, Sweep and Cap all ran well. I ran Jim 2 of the Opens and my lack of preparation with him was evident. I entered Max the last two days and unfortunately he ran me!
There is consolation in the first dog you moved into Open, at nearly 12 years old, running as strong and fast as a dog ½ his age; just as well, as there are no prizes for it :-)

Following the trial we did a 2 day general clinic. Good people and lots of new faces; we greatly enjoyed working with the young dogs and eager students. The 3rd day was an international shedding clinic and the sheep were fantastic. We finished out the week with a tribute of  the song, ‘Who the eff is Lisa’ for Peg Anderson, 2 days of lessons, 1 day of laundry and a Sunday respite.

The next 3 weeks we will have the privilege of leasing and working the Rambouillets on the ranch. Geri has over 330 acres with every size working area imaginable. In addition to the clinics and USBCHA trials, she also hosts AKC & AHBA events. She has goats for the young dogs as well as dogged sheep for those not quite ready to work the range ewes.

The sheep and fields are an incredible opportunity for the nursery dogs

Alba Nell
as well as the 3 year olds without much experience, Jim and Gail.


With the same sheep the same color as the terrain, spotting them at a distance can be a challenge.
Ground & sheep identical beige?

An 850 yard outrun opportunity at every corner, training the Open dogs on fields of this scope is invaluable.

When not used for training, the arenas double as an excellent puppy play area. Brae & Jaff are growing like weeds! 

Brae & Jaff
My forward thinking girlfriend sent mindless novels for relaxing in the shade with the dogs in the hot afternoons (Kristi if you are reading this, books only after dedicated hours to the project of course :-)).
The weather here is hot during the day & cool in the mornings and evenings; varied but never subtle.

Excellent sheep, a brilliant training facility, gorgeous vistas and good Mexican food; the makings of a great summer!

Max, walking at last!



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